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英语semantic level造句,semantic level例句

Raises the semantic level of development.

The Explanatory Power of Prototype Theory towards Markedness on Semantic Level

In the semantic level, the pureness seems to call for an extreme.

Most of the previous studies concerning the bilingual mental lexicon focused on the semantic level.

On the semantic level, the most striking characteristic of these proverbs is their two semantic dualities.

With the development of Chinese natural language processing, studies of the Chinese sentences entered the semantic level from the syntactic level.

To ensure the migrating instance and work position can understand each other in the service semantic level; we introduce the definition of ontology.

The prototype system integrates a relational database and XML file for the user interface front operation, to provide consistent information on the semantic level.

Medical domain ontology describes the concepts and relations of this field on the semantic level, which includes well defined concept hierarchy and logical reasoning ability.

Context: The Making of Meaning in the Transformed Semantic Level; Semantic Adjustment and Functional Realization& On the Semantic Changes and Functional Orientation of Vocatives in Translation

According to the theory, there exist two levels of cognitive processing: the formal level or the surface level and the semantic level or the deep level.

Based on Double-object structure of the typical characteristics of the semantic level, it will be divided into four categories: giving, receiving, noticing and titling category.

And then carry on deep research to Multi-source Spatial Data Translation Model in semantic level and explain in detail to the definition, principle, organization of the model.

As a conceptual model of describing information in semantic level, domain ontology is becoming more and more important in intelligent information retrieval, knowledge acquisition, natural language understanding and Web information processing.

Based on the previous classification, the thesis reclassifies Chinese and English poetical metaphors from the phonological level, lexico-grammatical level and semantic level, and each of level can be further divided into smaller kinds.

Word similarity computation can carry out quantitative analysis of complex semantic similarity relations between natural language words on the semantic level, which can provide support for semantic analysis of information processing technology, and improve the effect of information processing.

The purpose of translation is to achieve the closest correspondence between the source language ( SL) and the target language ( TL) on the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic levels. Among them, equivalence on the semantic level is the basic required to be actualized.

Firstly, it discusses from the semantic level with the principle of semantic closing and finds that the ingredient served as pre-attributive are same roughly between Chinese and English, but the differences lie in the post attributive, especially the relative clause.

Because of the deficiency of traditional information retrieval technology, the paper introduces the ontology technology, utilizes ontology to describe the domain knowledge and analysis user query at the same time, to achieve the semantic level query rather then text-matching based search.

Trough the research of multi-source spatial data translation model based on semantic level, we proposed a view that when the spatial data are transformed, the conflict between various kinds of spatial data models can be solved and replaced through semantic information's inherit and expansion.

This paper proposes a structured-based file access control and authority model and its solution, which pull the control grain to the file content and semantic level. This model can be compatible with the existing file access control, extensible and able to use-define as well.

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