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英语sememe analysis造句,sememe analysis例句

Sememe Analysis and Gloss Explanation

Sememe analysis is a basic means in modern semanteme studies.

It includes sememe combination, semantic classification, and sememe analysis of commonly used Mongol nouns.

The synonyms analysis methods are composed of critical interpretation of ancient texts method, alternate method and sememe analysis method.

The first part of the paper summarizes the definition and property of sememe: Sememe is a group of components which generalizes from two of more relative sense of different words, the principle, the procedure and the method of sememe analysis, the function of sememe analysis.

The meaning "recall" can be listed as one senses of a dictionary entry by means of text observation and sememe analysis.

The meaning of tone of modal particles can be analyzed by the adoption of such methods as sememe analysis, distribution analysis, and replacement analysis.

Chapter one classifies commonly used Mongol nouns according to semantic field theory and lays a foundation for the study of Sememe analysis and Sememe combination.

First of all, based on a sememe analysis, the three basic concepts are defined, that is, integrant character, possible character, and impossible character, and their inter-relations and representing forms are observed.

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sememe analysis 的意思及发音更多

【读音发音】英 ['semɪːm ə'næləsɪs]
