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英语sedimentation method造句,sedimentation method例句

The concrete washing water would be treated by sedimentation method;

Determination of Particle Size Distribution of AUC Powder by Photoscanning Sedimentation Method

A linear analysis of the particle-size distribution by using a gravitational sedimentation method

Research of reusing filter backwashing water to the circulating cooling water system of refinery with flocculation-sedimentation method

Total bacterial count of air and dust particle count were measured by plate sedimentation method and GLJ-BG-type dust particle counter.

In order to observe the germicidal efficacy of the Ultrasound Atomizing Disinfector, microbial monitoring instrument method and plate sedimentation method were used for examination.

OBJECTIVE To investigate into the technique of clarifying the decoction of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus with microfiltration method, and compare this method with alcohol sedimentation method.

This physical sedimentation method is a very good method that can be used during the culture of MSCs to separate nucleated cells in bone marrow.

The particle shape and parameter distribution of superfine powder of graphite are researched, using the analysis results of particle size measured by laser diffraction method and sedimentation method.

The principle and feature of the main ways for particle size measurement of ultrafine powder, such as laser diffraction method, centrifugal sedimentation method, particle image processor and Coulter particle counter etc. are introduced and compared.

In order to know the status of bacterial contamination of air of clean operating room in the course of operation and its influencing factors, natural sedimentation method was used to sample the air of 10 clean operating rooms.

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sedimentation method 的意思及发音更多

【读音发音】英 [ˌsedimenˈteiʃən ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˌsɛdəmənˈteʃən ˈmɛθəd]
