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英语semipermeable membrane造句,semipermeable membrane例句

Heres your semipermeable membrane.

The peritoneum is a biologic semipermeable membrane.

The Effect of Water Activity and Semipermeable Membrane on Shale Hydration

A machine equipped with a semipermeable membrane and used for performing dialysis.

a machine equipped with a semipermeable membrane and used for performing dialysis

Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.

Evaluation of formation damage by capillary pressure data obtained with high pressure semipermeable membrane method

After surface coated with chitosan as semipermeable membrane, the intension of microcapsules increased but flexibility decreased.

Semipermeable membrane device ( SPMD) was recently accepted to estimate the time-integrated concentrations of bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds ( HOCs) in a similar manner as lipophilic bioconcentration. The Effect of Water Activity and Semipermeable Membrane on Shale Hydration

Reverse Osmosis system. A semipermeable membrane filter technology, can remove the dissolved salt and the organic matter efficiently.

Applications and Perspectives of Passive Sampler and Semipermeable Membrane Device in Environmental Research On efficiency of R& D

Therefore, osmotic phenomenon exists in the system of shale and water based fluid, but shale is a non-perfect semipermeable membrane.

Methods Core tablets containing osmotic active agent were prepared by direct compression and spray coated with swelling layer and semipermeable membrane subsequently.

Effect of 30 kHz low frequency ultrasound and 800 kHz ultrasound on accelerating methylene blue molecules passing through semipermeable membrane are studied.

Desalination is carried out by simply lowering into the ocean a long, hollow pipe capped at the lower end by a semipermeable membrane.

In the model, gel is considered as a combination of a shell of an elastic semipermeable membrane and a core of a fluid phase.

The laboratory experiment shows that MEG drilling fluid/ shale interface can provide a semipermeable membrane like the one provides by oil-based drilling fluid/ shale interface.

Separations in semipermeable membrane systems is based on forcing some of the molecules in the system through the membrane while retaining others on the feed side.

Diffusion of molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until the concentration on both sides is equal.

Semipermeable membrane devices ( SPMD) were deployed in the Pearl River Delta ( PRD), South China, to monitor the seasonal variations of organochlorine pesticides ( OCPs) in the air for a year.

Conclusion The method using the biological semipermeable membrane in combination with the privileged site xenotransplantation have a beneficial effect on the inhibition of the rejection of heterogeneous ICCs implant.

Optimized on basis of semipermeable membrane principle, MEG is a quality treating agent for drilling fluid providing excellent lubrication, thermal stability, shale inhibition, no fluorescence and easy degradation.

The concentration of a colloidal solution whose colloid will not pass through a semipermeable membrane; solution is placed in a bag of the membrane and the solvent is evaporated off.

In order to overcome the product inhibition and to facilitate the product recovery from the aqueous organic emulsion containing substrate and lipase, a hydrophilic porous semipermeable membrane has been applied in the stirring tank reactor.

If we place a semipermeable membrane ( like that in a reverse osmosis filter) between sealed bodies of salt water and fresh water, the fresh water will gradually travel through the filter by osmosis.

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semipermeable membrane 的意思及发音更多

【读音发音】英 [ˈsemiˈpə:mjəbl ˈmemˌbreɪn] 美 [ˌsɛmiˈpɚmiəbəl ˈmɛmˌbren]
