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英语semimajor axis造句,semimajor axis例句

Can we find out what the semimajor axis is?

Either half of the major axis is called a semimajor axis.

The effect of rate of change for semimajor axis and inclination perturbation and drift of semimajor axis and inclination on the ground-track drift was analyzed.

A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A,-2a perigee to apogee& is2a.

So that's the reason why this semimajor axis is indeed such a horrendous number.

A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A, 2a perigee to apogee is 2a.

Orbital eccentricity and inclination's inspire degree are related to their initial orbital semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination.

Either half of the major axis is called a semimajor axis. Application of Oil-free Lubricating Material to Long Shaft Bearings for Dog Transfer

Perturbation effect of the earth ′ s magnetic field on the variation of the semimajor axis and eccentricity of the orbit of a charged equatorial sattellite

The theory derivation for in-plane maneuver on semimajor axis, eccentricity and perigee argument and out-plane maneuver on orbit inclination was presented in this paper.

The Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithm ( RKF), the symplectic algorithm and the Hermite algorithm for N-body problems are studied with energies errors and semimajor axis and eccentricity.

That if you have various orbits which have the same semimajor axis, that the period is the same and the energy is the same, and that's by no means obvious.

The orbit injection parameters and firing attitude that affected velocity increment for orbital acquisition were presented. The relationships between the velocity increment and orbit semimajor axis, perigee altitude, inclination, and perigee argument were simulated.

The perturbation effect of the earth's magnetic field on the variation of the semimajor axis and eccentricity of the orbit of a charged equatorial satellite is studied by using the method of the perturbation.

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semimajor axis 的意思及发音更多

【读音发音】 美 [sèmiméidƷər-]
