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英语selling short造句,selling short例句

Sometimes selling short can be a risking strategy.

He made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.

He made his fortune by selling short just before the crash.

They made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.

Competitor selling short speculate on further decline however opinion present decline temporary.

Mr. Wells made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.

Hedge funds are selling short chinese solars with the help of oil and coal money.

This is the opposite of selling short stocks, where being wrong the risk automatically increases.

The seventh chapter discusses market circumstance in China and possible investment strategies applied in domesticated market at present, which includes arbitrage and selling short put.

By selling short-term Treasury bonds and using the proceeds to buy longer-dated ones, it aims to reduce costs for millions of struggling American homeowners.

He's organizing some sort of'committee for the maintenance of government bonds,'and in their name he's going to wire a petition to the government to stop the practice of selling short!

By selling short-term bonds, whose yields would stay close to zero thanks to the Fed's rate commitment, it could boost holdings of longer-term issues, pushing their yields down further.

Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin," to the newly empowered personal investor.

In recent years, trust companies and other loosely regulated institutions in China have issued billions of dollars in loans, relying on funds raised by selling short-term, high-interest wealth management products.

Two weeks ago, the Federal Reserve extended "operation twist" selling short-term government bonds while buying long-term debt in an effort to support the economy by lowering long-term interest rates.

Hedge funds that had funded investments in oil futures by selling short on bank shares were caught in a vicious squeeze, as this strategy lost more than 40 per cent in a matter of weeks.

The decision of the Federal Reserve on September 21st to opt for operation twist ( buying long-term bonds and selling short-term ones) rather than another bout of full-blown quantitative easing may also have reduced inflation fears.

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【读音发音】英 [ˈseliŋ ʃɔ:t] 美 [ˈsɛlɪŋ ʃɔrt]
