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英语seismic ray造句,seismic ray例句

Paragenesis of deep earthquakes and volcanos in Huichun and inland seismic ray

The seismic ray tracing method is used to get the theoretical time according to the location and original velocity of each gridding point.

A new seismic ray-tracing method was put forward based on parabolic travel-time interpolation ( PTI) method, which is more accurate than the linear travel-time interpolation ( LTI) method.

Based on the location results the off-source angle of seismic ray was calculated, the direction distribution was plotted on SCHMIDT net by observed P wave onset directions, and the nodal plane was suggested.

The nonlinear effect of transmitted rays is presented based on Snell'slaw. It is theoretically proved that when a seismic ray trajectory is a straight line on an interface it may be a curve on another interface.

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seismic ray 的意思及发音更多

【读音发音】英 [ˈsaɪzmɪk rei] 美 [ˈsaɪzmɪk re]
